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Interpres Threat Exposure Management Platform

Continuously Validate Cybersecurity Defenses & Mitigate Threat Exposure

Analyze the relationship between your defensive controls, vulnerabilities, and the threats likely targeting your organization.

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Optimize Readiness. Harden Defenses. Reduce Cyber Threat Exposure.

See How it Works

Determine Defensive Tools Readiness and Asset Exposure Against Prioritized Threats & Vulnerabilities

Baseline Threat Exposure

Baseline your exposure risk across threats, vulnerabilities, defensive capabilities, and assets:

  • Prioritize threats based on real-time data.
  • Focus resources on the most critical issues.
  • Make threat-informed decisions.
  • Monitor improvements or degradation of your security posture over time.

Automate MITRE ATT&CK® Analysis

Understand your threat landscape and defense surface in the context of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework:

  • Automate mapping of detections and security controls.
  • View prioritized Techniques.
  • Understand your level of detection coverage.
  • Identify prioritized gaps in your detection posture.

Operationalize Threat Intelligence

Integrate TTP-based threat intelligence across your technology-diverse environment resulting in actionable intelligence that informs all aspects of your security infrastructure:

  • Quickly determine which adversaries are likely to target your organization and understand their TTPs.
  • Automate your threat analysis process with speed and scale.

Product Overview Video:

The Interpres Threat Exposure Management Platform

Co-Founder and Head of Product, Ian Roth at Interpres Security – provides a comprehensive overview of the threat exposure platform. He shares how Interpres tech innovation arms organizations with the insights and capabilities necessary to fortify their cybersecurity defenses and stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.

Interpres Exposure Management Platform



Automatically align your existing detections to the latest MITRE ATT&CK Framework for an up-to-date view of your detection coverage and prioritization of your gaps.

Custom Exposure Reporting

Instantly generate a threat-informed baseline report of your environment and exposure.

Interpres AI Assistant

Ask your data anything, in plain English. The Interpres AI Assistant chat feature makes complex data sources accessible with intuitive conversation.

Automated Gap Assessment

Instantly view prioritized gaps, specific to your threat profile and unique environment, to focus resources, reduce exposure risk, and optimize security posture against the threats that matter most.

CISO Dashboard

Executive-level dashboard designed to streamline and display current exposure score, exposure trending over time, and the top threats and vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to your organization.

Threat/Defense Analytics

Automated analysis of the dynamic relationships between your security controls, threats and vulnerabilities to identify the adversaries likely targeting you and determine your readiness to defend against them.

Activity Feed

Track key events, changes or ‘drift’ that take place within your environment to enable you to take proactive action.

Seamless Integration to Connect Security Products

Light weight and agentless using read-only APIs, Interpres ingests various data from security tooling to create a holistic understanding of current coverage and to identify and prioritize recommended defensive actions.

See our latest supported Integrations

Flexible Deployment Options

  • SaaS-based with support for hybrid on-prem/cloud environments.
  • Patented, agentless and sensor-less.
  • Deploys in less than 1 day.


Outcomes of a Threat-Informed Defense Strategy

Companies like yours are using Interpres for:

Cyber Defense Readiness

Assess your defensive readiness and focus resources on the threats that matter most. Automate your threat analysis process to determine your readiness within minutes, not days.

Defense Surface Optimization

Maintain situational awareness across your environment to identify gaps in security controls and track and remediate change. Action prioritized recommendations to optimize your existing tooling and defensive security posture.

Prioritized Vulnerability Intelligence

Understand which vulnerabilities are actively leveraged by adversaries that target organizations in your industry vertical and prioritize those that pose the greatest threat to your organization.

MITRE ATT&CK® Automation

Automatically map detection coverage to adversarial techniques, malware families, and threat groups continuously via read-only API. Instantly understand MITRE ATT&CK coverage across your defensive ecosystem.

EDR Technical Migration

Supercharge your EDR migration as you move from one product to another by ensuring rule sets, detections, alerts, and other settings transfer seamlessly across technologies. Quickly identify gaps and misconfigurations to maximize investments.

Defensive Tool Configuration Drift

Monitor for changes in detection, security log, and security tool configurations to ensure your defensive ecosystem does not regress over time. Know when defensive changes occur so you can take corrective action before you miss malicious activity.


Baseline Threat Exposure, Map MITRE ATT&CK ® Coverage, and Generate Custom Reports for FREE!

Immediately analyze your defensive capabilities and asset exposure to: 

Automate Mapping to MITRE ATT&CK® 

Baseline Threat Exposure 

Assess Cyber Defense Readiness 

Prioritize Exploitable Vulnerabilities

Try Interpres for Free

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