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Interpres: The Missing Intelligence Layer for CTEM

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is a strategy proposed by Gartner to raise the security level of organizations, according to the July 2022 report, “Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program.” 1 It's centered around a set of processes and capabilities that allow enterprises to reduce risk by evaluating accessibility, exposure, and exploitability of an enterprise’s digital and physical assets.

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The Gartner Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) strategy is designed to capture the outputs from specific products in the security stack to improve security processes and continuously reduce risk while making significant and consistent security posture improvements. The key fundamental challenges to Gartner’s CTEM implementation are siloed and missing technologies, an abundance of manual processes, and the absence of an intelligence layer. Interpres automates these manual processes, utilizes existing technologies, provides an intelligence layer, and combines this with freely available, finished threat intelligence to drive CTEM outcomes.

We’ve heard the feedback from CISOs and industry insiders on the challenges of implementing a CTEM program. This is why Interpres came into existence, to supply the connective tissue that serves as the enabling Intelligence Layer to break down the silos and provide a unified and holistic solution for successfully implementing a CTEM program.

Unlocking the Power of Actionable Threat Intelligence

Interpres effectively operationalizes threat intelligence into technology-diverse environments, delivering speed and scale across your exposure management ecosystem. We source data from an organization’s existing security tooling, defensive capabilities, and TTP-based threat intelligence. Interpres creates an integration layer for your siloed products that support the continued selection of best of breed solutions to avoid vendor lock-in, ensuring your security stack works optimally for you.

Interpres fills the technical, strategic, and analytical gaps to achieve successful CTEM outcomes with a unified, holistic intelligence layer. Through automated, actionable intelligence and continuous analysis of the dynamic relationships between defenses and threats, organizations gain a clearer picture of their threat landscape and offsetting defensive actions required to minimize threat exposure.

Why Interpres?

We hold multiple patents for threat-informed exposure management enablement, so organizations can leverage existing products, automation, and actionable threat intelligence for rapid threat analysis, prioritization of threats and vulnerabilities and the required defensive actions to optimize your security posture.

To learn more about how Interpres Security can enable your CTEM program, read our Whitepaper Foundations for Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Implementing a Threat-Informed Defense Strategy, which outlines how Interpres enables organizations to prioritize and optimize their defenses and reduce threat exposure in a manner that is both efficient and effective.

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1 Gartner, “Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program”, July 2022

Watch to Learn More

Join us for the live event Navigating the Frontier: Realizing the Potential of CTEM on Tuesday, April 2, 2024! The event will feature Michael Jenks, Co-Founder and CTO of Interpres Security and Ron Eddings, Head of Hacker Valley Media as they discuss mitigating threats and implementing a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program.

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