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How Interpres Security Enables CTEM Programs

Interpres operationalizes threat intelligence and combines with analysis of detection and defensive capabilities, security tooling, and contextualized threat data to function as an intelligence layer needed to enable Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM).

Interpres Security plays a pivotal role in supporting CTEM:

Starting with understanding key aspects of your organization, Interpres establishes your organization’s specific threat profiles. 

Next, Interpres prioritizes your top threats—based on threat actor groups, malware families, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) most likely to be encountered. And prioritizes exploitable vulnerabilities that adversaries use to target organizations with similar threat profiles. 

By extracting relevant information from an Advisory: TTPs, CVEs, Detection Logic, and Log Collection and leveraging analysis of your defense surface tooling, Interpres enables you to determine your readiness to defend against prioritized threats. 

Interpres follows with recommended actions: prioritize vulnerabilities to patch, security controls to enable, detection logic to implement, security logs to collect, and security tool configurations to update, while continuously monitoring and alerting you to any shift in your security posture. 

With Interpres, your organization gains a CTEM capability to rapidly determine your defensive readiness and ensure your cyber defenses are optimized and ready to defend against the threats likely targeting your organization.

Why Interpres?

With Interpres Security, enterprise organizations are optimizing their security posture through Interpres’ patented analytics platform. Interpres operationalizes TTP-based threat intelligence across an ecosystem of technologies, yielding actionable intelligence that serves as an intelligence layer for CTEM enablement.

Organizations can qualitatively measure threat exposure based on the threats and vulnerabilities likely targeting them and their ability to defend against them. With Interpres and a continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) capability, organizations capture analytical insights to understand and increase their defensive readiness, immediately action recommendations to optimize defenses against the threats that matter and risk exposure. 

Building a CTEM Program with Interpres

Partnering with an experienced security provider like Interpres Security can help your organization overcome the challenges of implementation and develop a resilient CTEM program. Through automation and actionable threat intelligence, you can transform your cybersecurity program from reactive to proactive, staying ahead of the threats that pose the greatest risk to your company. 

David Malicoat, CISO at Direct Marketing Solutions, leverages Interpres Security to gain a CTEM capability and states, “With Interpres, it feels like I have a cheat code.” 

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Dive Into the Foundations of CTEM

Explore the foundations of Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) and some of the most common challenges organizations face when implementing a threat-informed security strategy.

Find Out What Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Is


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Baseline Threat Exposure 

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