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About Interpres Security

We provide an unbiased view of your security posture to help CISOs and Security Practitioners reduce threat exposure.

Our Approach

The industry by default has been largely focused on trying to manage an infinite number of vulnerabilities, deploying point solutions, and triaging millions of noisy alerts.

Instead, the Interpres founders built a solution that focuses on an organization’s unique threat profile and on prioritizing their most likely threats while optimizing the security tools already in use… Helping organizations move from chaos to clarity.

Meet the Team

And Awards

2023 Enterprise Security Tech Cyber Top 20

Cybersecurity Startups to Watch for 2023

Hottest Cybersecurity Startups to Watch in 2023

Our Story

It is common for most enterprise organizations to have anywhere from 40-70 tools in their security stack, yet they still struggle to get a complete understanding of their overall cybersecurity readiness capabilities.

Witnessing this firsthand, the Interpres Security founding team developed a new threat-informed approach to validate the effectiveness of security tools, after a systems breach at a classified security operations center, despite the presence of world-class security tools, processes, and personnel. 

After successfully implementing their methodology and hardening the environment, the team automated these capabilities into a SaaS platform.

Interpres Security Co-Founder & CEO, Nick Lantuh's Cybersecurity Origin Story

A close look at the Co-founder and CEO of Interpres Security, Nick Lantuh. Nick shares his background in cybersecurity leading up to establishing Interpres Security. He shares insight on how Interpres exposure management technology is providing the market a quantitative way of determining how well defensive products are working to defend an organization against the threats that matter most.

Our History


Room40Labs is founded as stealth startup, as team develops new threat-informed approach to validate effectiveness of security tools

Platform Prototype

Room40Labs founders build Defense Surface Management platform prototype

Seed Funding

Interpres Security is founded. Company exits stealth mode with $8.5 million in seed funding led by TenEleven Ventures

Leadership Team

Interpres Security Announces Executive Leadership Team Appointments

Platform Expanded

Interpres Security expands Defense Surface Management platform with Exposure Management & Diagnostics capabilities

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


Sun Tzu Art of War
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