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Are You Prepared? Aligning Your Cyber Defense Readiness to Threat Exposure

39 mins
Pat Arvidson, CSO & Evangelist | Interpres Security & Brendon Anderson, Cyber Security Consultant | Interpres Security

Today’s approach to assess defensive capabilities is broken. The manual processes used by security teams for threat mapping are manual, time-intensive, inefficient, usually focus on IOC-based threat intelligence, and are reliant on point-in-time data. As a result, there’s a lack of understanding between actual threat and defensive capabilities. New exploits are discovered weekly and with multiple CISA advisories/alerts every month, the process to assess readiness after every release is daunting.

The ability to quickly understand cyber defense readiness is critical to staying on the offensive or left of boom. What if you could shift this approach from manual to automated and focus preparedness on the threats that matter most?

Join us as we explore a new approach for automating Cyber Defense Readiness that aligns your controls and fleet assets with the threats targeting your organization. We’ll share how Interpres helps organizations reduce their time to analyze security technologies and protective policies from hours to minutes a day.

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